Nutritional Benefits Of Raisins

Nutritional Benefits Of  Raisins

Nutritional Benefits Of Raisins

A raisin is a dried grape. In general, and when people consume them in moderation, raisins are a healthful. Raisins are a good source of essential nutrients, minerals, and energy in the form of calories and sugars.

Impressive Health Benefits Of Raisin

  • Eye health: Polyphenolic phytonutrients found in raisins which provide antioxidant properties. These phytonutrients are helpful for health as it protect eyes from free radical damage, cataracts and loss of vision. It possess antioxidant properties, it contains meaningful amounts of beta carotene, Vitamin A and carotenoid that assist in maintaining ocular health.
  • Clear digestion:  Raisins helps to keep the digestive system healthy. Raisins contain helpful soluble fibers, which give body to the stool and help it pass through the intestines easier. This may help improve digestion and promote regularity.
  • Control constipation: Raisins contain fiber in it which adds bulk to the food that moves through an intestinal tract and this provides relief from constipation. It contains insoluble fiber as it takes in water an gains volume. It is also helpful in stopping loose stools and absorb the liquid and lower frequency  as well as unpredictability of diarrhea.
  • Gain weight: Raisins are helpful for gaining weight. It has large amount of glucose and fructose and possesses high content of potential energy. It is an amazing diet for bodybuilders and athletes who requires powerful boost of energy or is helpful for those who wants to add weight without accumulation of unhealthy amounts of cholesterol. Because of the presence of amino acids, vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium that facilitates absorption of proteins and nutrients in the body. It assist in stimulation of absorption of vitamins, proteins and nutrients from food which promotes overall energy and strengthen immune system.
  • Prevent anemia:  Raisins helps to prevent anemia. They contain good amounts of iron, copper, and vitamins that are essential for making red blood cells and carrying oxygen throughout the body.
  • Prevent acidity:  Raisins contain a big amounts of beneficial minerals, such as iron, copper, magnesium, and potassium. These are alkaline, or basic, minerals on the pH scale and may help balance acidity levels in the stomach.
  • Cancer prevention: Addition of raisins to the diet helps to increase antioxidant activity in system that prevents cancer and slows down its progression. Raisins have high content of catechins which are considered to be polyphenolic antioxidants found in blood. An antioxidant helps to eliminate free radicals present in the body and wreak havoc on organ systems and cells. Free radicals are the main cause for growth of cancer cells and the substance that could activate metastasis. 
  • Sexual dysfunction: In India, it is a common practice to make the groom and bride drink a glass of milk each which is boiled with a pinch of saffron and raisins on their wedding night. It is helpful for those who have issues of sexual endurance. Raisins assist in stimulation of libido and promote arousal due to amino acid known as arginine that is helpful to treat erectile dysfunction. Arginine promotes level of sperm motility that enhances conception when engaging in sexual intercourse. 
  • Protect skin health:  Antioxidants may help keep the skin cells young and prevent damage from aging cells. Raisins also contain valuable nutrients, such as vitamin C, selenium, and zinc. This combination of nutrients and antioxidants may be a helpful addition to a diet that focuses on creating good skin health.
  • Dental Care: Oleanolic acid, one of the phytochemicals present in raisins, plays a crucial role in protecting your teeth against decay, cavities, and brittleness. It effectively prevents the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis, two of the bacterial species that are most responsible for cavities. In addition, raisins are rich in calcium, which strengthens and demineralizes tooth enamel. Besides, boron present in these dried fruits helps curb the growth of oral germs, promoting strong teeth.
  • Control Diabetes: In a number of studies, raisins have been shown to lower the postprandial insulin response, which means they can stabilize the spikes or plunges on the insulin after a meal that can be otherwise dangerous to patients with diabetes.They also help regulate the release of leptin and ghrelin, which are the hormones responsible for telling the body when it is hungry or full. By keeping a check on these hormones, people who eat raisins can improve their chances of maintaining a healthy diet and prevent overeating.
  • Blood sugar: Regularly eating raisins may help lower a person's blood sugar. Even though raisins contain a more concentrated amount of sugars than fresh fruit, raisin intake compared to processed snacks decreased hemoglobin a1c, which is a marker of blood sugar management.
  •  Insomnia: Iron deficiency anemia can be a cause for your insomnia trouble, and therefore, intake of iron-rich raisins can help ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • Hair Health:  They help to promote shiny and thick hair as the vitamin C content prevents cell damage. Their anti-inflammatory properties help prevent dandruff, and flakiness.
Nutrition of raisins

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the nutritional facts for a serving around this size are:  
  • Calories – 129  
  • Protein – 1.42 g  
  • Fats – 0.11 g  
  • Carbohydrates – 34.11 g  
  • Sugars – 28.03 g  
  • Dietary fiber – 1.9 g  
  • The same serving size also contains some valuable vitamins and minerals, including:  
  • Vitamin C – 1 milligram (mg) 
  •  Calcium – 27 mg 
  •  Iron – 0.77 mg  
  • Magnesium – 15 mg  
  • Potassium – 320 mg  
  • Phosphorous – 42 mg  
  • Sodium – 11 mg  
As a study posted to the Journal of Nutritional Health notes, raisins have very high antioxidant levels and phenol content compared to other popular dried fruits.  Specifically, raisins are a good source of antioxidants called flavonol glycosides and phenolic acids, and they have an ORAC value of about 3,400. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity and reflects the antioxidant value of a food.

Types Of Raisins
There are three types of raisins. They are key differences:  
  • Raisins: They are produced from grapes of all varieties, which are traditionally sun-dried, but they may also be artificially dehydrated. They are mainly Moscatel grapes, which are produced in US, Turkey, Greece, and Australia. While baking, raisins are mainly used to soak liquor like rum, brandy, or almond-flavored Amaretto.
  • Sultanas: Often called golden raisins because of their color, sultanas are dried seedless white grapes. They are plumper, juicier, and sweeter than other raisins. It is mainly produced in Turkey. The most common type in the US is the Thomson seedless. 
  • Currants: They are tiny dried, dark red, seedless grapes, often the Black Corinth variety. They were originally cultivated in the south of Greece, particularly from the island of Zante; this is why they are also called Zante currants. They have a tart flavor and are usually used in traditional cakes.
However, raisins are a healthful food and make a great addition to many diets.

