Neem: benifits for health,hair and skin

Neem: benifits for health,hair and skin

Neem: benifits for health,hair and skin

The botanical name of neem leaf is Azadirachta indica, 
Family: Meliaceae. 
Neem is called Nambi, Vippa, Tamar and also by many other names. Neem is one of our most beneficial friends tree.

We all know about the multiple qualities of neem. Neem is an amazing medicinal plant. Many useful trees for animals and plants have not been discovered till date. It is said that Neem is the world's most expensive tree. Considering this quality of neem, the World Health Organization declared Neem as "21st Century Tree".

Chemical Ingredients: various types of bitter substances such as: saponin, elkalid nembidine, nombolon, nombinum, nimbandal, retitarpenoids, salinis, ezidiracin, organic acids, melanon, nimbolides, quasertin and glycosides, tannins, margosin, neem bark, flowers, fruits, seeds and oils. Agmardin has these. Which takes every kind of work.

Benifits for health

                  If the stomach affected by worms, the children become lean and their stomach will be bigger.There is no pair of Neem leaves to eliminate worms in the stomach. Children are more likely to suffer from worms. For this, 50 mg of quantity of Neem tree should be eaten with 3 times hot water. Again, after 3-4 grams of pomegranate bore powder, with a small amount of sindhwa salt in the morning, it was avoided to get rid of worms. Regularly go for a week to enjoy. Seeds of 1-2 grams for children.

Clear heart from cough:
                                     If the cough becomes frozen in the chest, then 30 drops of Neem leaf mixed with a little hot water can be beneficial in playing three to four times a day. 

Dental Diseases:
                       For dental diseases Neem are used to miswak which have been introduced since ancient times. Teeth will be strengthened and will be protected from Dental diseases by using Neem leaves and balsam or neem barks. If you wash the mouth with the essence of neem leaf, teeth will be healthy and it also reduce the pain of the stomach.

Understanding blood sugar levels:
                                               Neem works very well to control diabetes. Neem leaves help reduce blood sugar levels. It also enhances blood circulation by expanding the blood vessel. To get good results, drink lean leaf juice every morning and drink it empty stomach. In the morning, eating 5 peppercorns and 10 neem leaves in empty stomach helps to reduce diabetes.

 Solve lice from hair:         
                            The problem of lice is eliminated by the use of lice to destroy lice. Make neem paste and massage the palm of the head, then wash the head with shampoo and tie the head with the comb. Do this 2-3 times a week for two months. Lice will be removed.

Remove chest pain: 
                          People are often affected by the chest pain because of cough. For this, the juice of 30 drops of neem leaves mixed with a little hot water will reduce chest pain after drinking 3/4 times. This medicines are prohibited for pregnant women.

Cured from jaundice:
                               Jaundice are cured with 25-30 drops of neem leaf juice mixed with a little honey and eating it on empty stomach in the morning. A spoon of juice mixed with a little honey and eat every morning in empty stomach. Continue to be completely healing a week.

Indigestion and irritation on skin:
                                     Neem leaves are used for removing virus diseases in the Indian sub-continent since the ancient period of time. It heals indigestion and aids in proper function of digestion.  After Chickenpox, this is a round small marks spotted all over the body with irritation, itching and burning sensation.  To heal this, apply fresh neem paste on the affected areas.

To remove acne: 
                       You can wash your face by mixing neem paste with water. Acne will be removed and acne scars will be removed. It is an effective method of removing acne.

To remove fungal infections:
                               If you have any fungal infections , use Neem. Neem can destroy the fungus. Neem leaves can be used in the affected area by making paste. A few drops of neem oil in the affected area yielded good results by using three times a day.

Healing the wound:
                        Thinking of healing the wound? Yes, it is quite beneficial to cure wounds also. Its antimacrobial material will work faster to heal wounds.

            Boiling neem leaf with hot water and bath with it. Allergy will go.Neem is very effective in treating eczema, abscess or different skin problems.

To reduce weight, if you want to lose weight, especially if you have a lot of stomach, then you will have to eat niam flower juice. Nim flower helps to break the fat of the body by increasing metabolism. Mix this nicely, and mix it well with a teaspoon honey and half a teaspoon lemon juice. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach every morning. You will see it work.

Inside the vagina, neem is used for birth control.  Neem is also used as an insecticide.

How useful is the different parts of neem

Neem leaf
           We all know that leaf neem leaves are beneficial. It has been used for the life-long treatment of the sub-continent for more than 4 thousand years. Being fascinated by the quality of the neem leaf, the Westerners are now leaning on herbal and Ayurvedic treatment.  Having all the unique properties of leaf, fruit, peel or bark, neem oil, seeds and all the parts of the neem can be used. In the present world, neem is used as an antiseptic cause for consumption.

Neem bark
          The bark has an immunomodulatory polysaccharide compound- they may be able to help in the formation of Aitbody in the body. It increases in the amount of gesture resistance.

Neem tea
          Pour  a quarter cup of the boiled  hot water over neem leaf. After five minutes, filtrate this water and drink slowly. It is said to reduce the fever, and decrease the blood sugar neem tea is very beneficial. It is said that Bladder problems or rheumatism, jaundice, or stomach worms, malaria or skin diseases all of them can be cured by it. Neem is also used to cure severe wound or injury.

It is said that, having a neem tree beside the house make all the member safe from diseases.


