Moon Landing: First Space Station In Human History Landed In The Remote Part Of The Moon

Moon Landing: First Space Station In Human History Landed In The Remote Part Of The Moon

On January 3, 2019, the robot-driven Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 4 has hit the ground on the far side. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) confirmed the news. The spacecraft landed the Aitken Basin in the South Pole. This is the largest, deep and old alloy on the moon. It is assumed that the cluster was created due to a horrifying conflict during the formation of the moon.

The surface of the Moon is always seen from the Earth, it is called the Near Side. This is because the Tidal locking. At the same speed that the moon revolves around the globe, it rotates on its own axis. As a result, the other side of the world is never seen. It is called the far side (though the sun's light reaches exactly, it measured on the the basis of the Earth). That's why no spacecraft was sent there earlier.

Those who had their feet on the moon chest, they also landed in the far side, then added the parts on the map. Chang'e 4  is the first spacecraft sent by humans to the moon.

Moon Landing: First Space Station In Human History Landed In The Remote Part Of The Moon
December 7, 018. Chan'e-4 is flying to the moon; Image Source: 

The space station has been named after the Chinese moon goddess Chengai. Earlier, Chang-I-1 and 2 came around the moon and on December 14, 2013, Ching'i-3 had a foot on the moon chest. As his successor, on December 7, 2018, Chaang'i-4 travels to the moon's ocular. The government-run press China Daily and CGTN were the first to tweet the news of Chang'e-4. But soon after that they deleted the tweets.As a result, there is doubt in the truth about the truth of the news. China Daily tweeted,

"The Chinese spacecraft Ching'i-4 has landed in the most remote areas of the moon , which started a new chapter in human research in the moon."

Two hours later officially confirmed the authenticity of the news, the government press CCTV According to their statement, according to the Chang'e 4 Beijing time, the moon touched the ground at 10 am on Thursday morning. The Communist Party's press has confirmed the Global Times-and news.

Moon Landing: First Space Station In Human History Landed In The Remote Part Of The Moon
On the other side of the moon, the most close up image is taken by Chang'i -4; Image Source: CNSA

Meanwhile, the space station has started sending pictures of the most distant regions of the Moon. These photos are the closest shot of the moon's ultraviolet shot. A similar image tweeted the English version of CCTV. The main objective of sending Quang-4 is to collect detailed information about the surfaces of the moon and the various minerals of the moon.

When Chang'i-3 came to the moon in 2013, he discovered a new type of basaltic stone rich in the elmainight (Ilmenite) on the moon. Since Chang'an-4 Eightkine has landed in the sink and according to the scientists, the hole was created during the formation of the moon. So it is hoped that the space station will be able to give new and significant information about how the moon was created. According to the BBC,

              " China will also test whether there is a 'mini-biosphere' or biosphere that can produce potato or silk." 

The biggest problem with sending the spacecraft to the moon was the communication problem. Because the signal that will be sent from the reverse, the moon itself will prevent it from reaching the earth. Likewise the signal sent from the earth will not reach there. That's why the relay satellites are needed, which will take place in the middle of the moon and the earth, in order to send and receive signals in both places. That is why on 20 May 2018, China sent a relay station named Koyekiao.

The Chinese word 'quokiyeo' means 'Magpie bridge' It has come from a traditional fairytale in the Milky Way galaxy. According to that story, Altere and VEGA love each other unimaginable, but there is no way to meet them. On the seventh day of the seventh year, only a group of Magpie creates a bridge on the sky, only on that day they see each other and they embrace each other.

Since quekua will also create such a communication bridge between the Earth and the reverse oscillation region, that is why this nomenclature. The 425-kilometer-weight satellite is currently being successfully located at a specific location, and it has been in contact with Chang'e 4 with the world. Not only that, China also sent two microSteelites smaller than 45 kilograms as part of Chaang'i-4 mission. However, Longjiang-1 could not successfully reach the destination. Reached the Longjiang-2 destination and successfully carried out the duties.

Nasa Administrator Jim Brindestine tweeted this achievement by the Chinese as "a great achievement".Meanwhile, the Australian Space Agency did not agree to say anything more than just greeting it. But welcomed the senior defense analyst Malcolm Davies of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, saying

                   " that this is not just a scientific discovery but also has a deep relationship with geopolitics and space-politics. China is basically doing this to establish itself as a huge power. This successful landing of Chang'e 4 will hit Americans very well. Chances are, China will announce to send people to the moon by 2030. After the Americans, a Chinese man's footprint on the moon land will be the second race - the idea is not to be the right choice."

Actually, there are enough reasons behind the concerns of America. According to the BBC, in 2016, China has sent the most rockets in space. How many numbers can you think? No, not 10-20, the number is 38! In the year before, the maximum number of rockets were sent in just one year. The record is in 2016. The US spent 36 billion dollars on the space program, sending all the rockets and other activities. But China's spending was less than $ 5 billion! There is an idea from how fast China is improving. Moreover, after the United States and Russia as a third country, China has sent astronauts to space in their own spacecraft. In 2003, the first Chinese spacecraft was introduced with astronauts. So far 11 Chinese have traveled to space.

Meanwhile, in 2011, China has started to set up a space station with Tianjong-I. The word tiangong means 'palace of paradise'. In 2012, a Chinese female astronaut also came from the palace of heaven. Then in 2016, two astronauts came out there a month.

Moon Landing: First Space Station In Human History Landed In The Remote Part Of The Moon
The image of Chan'e-4 at the time of landing on the moon, Image Source: CNSA

Tiangong-1's expires in 2016 In 2018 it fell down and took shelter in the Pacific Ocean. But Tianjong-2 has still been carrying out his duties successfully. However, these stations were very small. That's why China announced that, by 2022, they wanted to set up a full space station in space. According to Malcolm Davies,

            " One of the reasons behind China's so much interest in space is that China is trying to spread military space in space. China has given their intention clear language. They compare the moon with the South China Sea and Taiwan and the asteroids with the East China Sea. With what is happening in space, they are moving ahead without comparing geopolitics better and we must focus on this. "

Anyway we want a beautiful world to live and gather knowledge about space. So there is no alternative to be together. 

That's all for today. If you like this just comment below the post and let me know your feelings. See you in the next post. Till then be happy.
