Angle of vision

Stop naked!!!!!!!

Now we're living in the age of technology and logic.. There is nothing beyond logic.. But there is something which depends on our angle of vision..

Once upon a time, at the starting of life it was so tough to survive.. There is no fire, cloth, no technology nothing.. They used animal's skin to cover themselves and their secret body parts.. It takes long time and hard working to create cloths.. But nowadays we're trying to live without cloths both male and female.. If they knew one day people will live without cloth they never discovered cloth .. It's not about what the religion said.. I just want to focus on our outlook i mean our angle of vision.. The more time passes every ages of  human both adult and children are involving in the internet.. But we're making the internet full of sex and naked.. By logic, as the technology becomes upgraded day by day the creator of it  (human) also upgraded generation by generation.. Children are more addicted in internet than any other in the developed countries.. They visit internet and learn about sex and naked.. There is thousand of contents in the facebook or youtube etc. full of  naked..


We're ruling the universe by our brain and creativity but why we don't we find any content without naked and sex.. Every generation of life give a message to next generation but what we will?? What the next generation will learn from us?? Being naked?? We never think about it..

I again remind you it's not thinking about any religion it's about our mentality...