More heart attacks in winter/ heart problems in winter /Heart attack in winter /cold weather and heart disease

Along with the fun of eating winter pitha-puli, some uncomfortable things also happen like skin problems, fever, cold, cough etc. The worst case scenario is that the risk of high blood pressure, heart pain, heart attack and death increases with the onset of winter. According to the hospital's emergency department, the number of heart attack patients increases by 30% to 50% each winter. 

What types of symptomps and issues you can face?

Many changes in blood composition are observed due to the effects of winter.
Increased levels of blood cells, platelets, red blood cells, fibrinogen, and cholesterol, which are responsible for blood clotting, increase the risk of blood clotting by up to 20 percent. The risk of heart attack and stroke is multiplied to increase the tendency of blood to clot.

Studies have shown that the onset of severe cold can lead to irregular heartbeat, which is not uncommon for sudden death.
When you eat on a full stomach and walk in cold weather, the pain of angina starts easily, for which the contraction of blood vessels is blamed.
People who are healthy and strong can easily adapt to these cold-related changes, but those who are physically weak,
aged and suffering from various ailments are more likely to become ill as a result of these changes.
Your preparation and vigilance to stay free from such problems will help you stay risk free.

Caution: What should do and what not!

* Heart patients will take medicine regularly as per the advice of the doctor.

* Elderly heart patients should take a bath with lukewarm water every day without taking a bath every day. Remember, taking a bath with too much hot water will have an adverse effect on your health.

* The intake of nutritious food especially sugary foods should be increased from 15% to 20%. It is best for elderly heart patients not to go outside during the winter rains.

* Know the regular weather forecast so that you can make the necessary preparations.

 * At the beginning of winter, consult your doctor and adjust the dose. 

* Carry essentials and clothes with you when going out in cold weather. 

 * When going out for a walk, go out with warm clothes, shoes, umbrella and necessary medicines.

Be conscious of your health..
