How To Gain Weight In A Week: Best Tips To Increase Your Body

How To Gain Weight In A Week: Best Tips To Increase Your Body

Many people want to increase or decrease the weight. That's why he/she diets or exercises to increase or decrease this weight, there is a calculation of calories for dieting or exercising. Nutritionists say that it is the most popular calculation, which you can use to gain your weight properly.

How To Gain Weight In A Week: Best Tips To Increase Your BodyTo increase the weight, one adult woman and males will have to eat 500 calories more than burned calories.
Burned calorie is the calorie which is used by your body to do your daily work like walking, running, physical working or exercise etc.

 For example: If a full adult male consumes 2000 calories, then he will have to eat 2000 + 500 = 2,500 calories. If a full adult woman consumes 1600 calories, then she will have to eat 1600 + 500 = 2,100 calories.

One person who eats 2200 calories a day, if he burns 300 calories in exercise, then he will have to eat 2200 + 500 + 300 = 3000 calories to increase the weight.

If you take 500 * 7 = 3500 calories in a week you'll gain a pound or half a kilogram of weight. If the calories you take is higher than the calories burned, then the weight will increase. * 500 * 7 = 3500 calories is roughly equal to one pound. Eating more 500 calories will increase the weight by one pound or half a kilo.

By eating this amount of 500 calories, your metabolism will not decrease and your muscle will increase. If you eat more calories, it will be stored in your body as fat, these fat will convert in weight.

It is the best method and calculation to gain weight. If you continue this process you'll gain your weight gradually.
To know how much your daily calorie needs are to reduce or increase or decrease weight, you can visit calorie calculator in google.

see all posts of health and nutrients

If you have any question ask me in the comment box, i'll try to reply. See you in the next article. Till then, be healthy and happy.
