Best Weight Loss Tips For Fast Result: How much Calorie You Should Take Regular To Loss Your Weight Without Illness

Best Weight Loss Tips For Fast Result: How much Calorie You Should Take Regular To Loss Your Weight Without Illness 

Best Weight Loss Tips For Fast Result: How much Calorie You Should Take Regular To Loss Your Weight Without Illness Many people want to increase or decrease the weight. That's why he/she diets or exercises to increase or decrease this weight, there is a calculation of calories for dieting or exercising. Nutritionists say that it is the most popular calculation, which you can use to loss your weight properly.

If you want to loss your weight one thing you have to mind that the calorie you take to loss your weight is less than the burned calorie. 
Now, you may ask what is burned calorie??
Burned calorie is the calorie which is used by your body to do your daily work like walking, running, physical working etc.

Best Weight Loss Tips For Fast Result:

To reduce weight, an adult and males will have to eat less than 500 calories in a day. For example: If a full adult man consumes or takes 2200 calories (according to the daily calorie requirements) then he has to take 2200-500 = 1700 calories in a day. If a full adult woman consumes 1700 calories (according to the daily calorie requirements) then she has to take 1700-500 = 1200 calories in a day.

If you avoid these 500 calories in your daily eating menu then you'll avoid total 500*7=3500 calories in a week. As a result, you'll loss 1 pound or 0.5 kg weight in a week. If you avoid more than these you may become sick because your body will loss metabolism. 
You may confused, how you maintain these??
Ok, you can burn 250 calorie by exercise and avoid other 250 calorie when you eat.
For example: a person who consumes 2200 calories a day, if he burn 250 calories in exercise, he will eat [2200-{250 ( burn calories by exercise) - 250 (low calorie when you take meal)}] = 1700 calories to lose weight.
This is the most common and scientific way to lose weight.

Many man eat less food, they think that eating less food will reduce weight quickly. This is a wrong idea. Rather, lack of 500 calories a day will reduce weight. Only those who are overweight, they can lose weight more quickly or more than one pound a week (by doctor / nutrition counseling). Instead of not decreasing eating food, you can increase your daily work or exercise but never pass a day without eating.
With this method you can reduce your weight and keep the weight you"ll loss.
 According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 1200 calories per day for women and less than 1800 calories for men should not be eaten in any way, even it also be very few calories. So, don't neglect.
Each person's daily diet are different. It depends on her age, amount of work, sex, height, weight, BMR, AMR etc. Calculate this according to your daily calorie demand. Many calorie calculator are available in many websites you can calculate to know yours.

Everything i write, all are for you to help. It is the best method and calculation to weight loss. If you continue this process you'll loss your weight gradually. Never starve, it'll cause serious diseases.
If you have any question ask me in the comment box, i'll try to reply. See you in the next article. Till then, be healthy and happy.
