The Matrix Trilogy - Full Explanation

★ The Matrix Trilogy - Full Explanation ★

 Read the full explanation when you have time in  hand, skip it or not. That'll be better. And those who have the desire to know about this matrix movie, hopefully, after reading my expanse, the hair  will stand. Unfortunately, there was a lot of complicated topics hidden in the movie. Dangerous complicated and so Powerful Concept, in any of the Sci-fi movies of Hollywood, have not seen anyone yet. Movie Premiere, which is not seen in the Matrix Movie series, seems to have fewer in the world.
The movie was released in 1999. Matrix was a great concept, the graphics and a complex plot. The funny thing is, after watching the Matrix, nobody does not say that the movie is not understood.

So brother? Understand everything But if you ask two to three questions in the matrix movie then you will know how much he understood. Complicated and complex plots and concepts were also inadequate in the sense of normal people 😂😂.
I am not giving a review of Matrix today. Going straight to the exploration. What is actually meant by the movie?

 ● ►The Matrix Trilogy: The Simulation Hypothesis ◄ ●

Simulator is a command processing program where the user programmed his command to create any interface as desired. That interface can be a game. There may be an application program. Whatever you wish Computer Simulation is a process that is designed to be exactly like the real world, but it is just illusion. Actually everything in the world is false. All of them are made by one of them.
 Let's go to the exposition.

1. The Matrix Trilogy:  What is the matrix? : In the movie, two worlds have been talked about, one of which is Real World. Another is the Matrix. The matrix is ​​a program that is programmed in the computer program, where only the brain  is active not body. Nothing in the world is real. All made by the program. Every inch of it is false.

2.The Matrix Trilogy: Why the Matrix has been built? : People were reliant on robots in such a way that they made such robots, among which artificial intelligence was created, they had intelligence. As a result, one of the robots started creating robots like them and their numbers are increased, which result in war between humans and robots. And in this, people become their slaves. But due to pollution of the environment, disaster comes in the earth. The sun's light does not reach the earth. If the sun does not reach the light then the robot will not be able to survive. That means robot will not be charged. So they started Human Production. 120 volt electricity can be found from the human body. They live in charge of the body's heat energy. Instead of planting vegetables in the world, farmers are being cultivated instead. And the robot survives with the heat and electricity of those people. Now, what is the need for the Matrix program to cultivate people? Of course there is a need. Because, everyone here is now asleep. But sometimes, everyone will wake up, is not it? For this reason, a fictional world called Matrix is ​​made for them. In their brain, they think they are alive. They are moving. Sleeping So their brains are right and if the brain thinks they are okay, then there is no possibility of awakening them in real life. Very Powerful Concept: '(Think, how deep is it made by thinking?)

4. Why NEO is strong? : You have a question that NEO is so strong. He's the man. Then why would he have so much power? But it is good to say that NEO is not one. Earlier, 5 Matrix programs were run. NEO was also there. As in the last 5 times the same matrix run, NEO has developed itself slowly. So for the sixth time, he got some extra power and he developed ✌

5 Who is Oracle? : Oracle is the mother of the program or mother who can detect many (code = future of that program). He can not actually say the future, but can guess and help make the future. Do not understand?
Hmm, everyone thinks that Oracle is a future. It's not like that. She can not say futures. I mean to you: Newly after he went to his house, she said to Neo, "Do not worry about the vase (flower tab), my kids will fix it". After saying this, the Neo looked behind and the vase of flowers were broken. What did you understand? He said he made the future? If he did not talk about vase, then Neo didn't look. And if Neo did not look then vase won't break. You and I think she knows the future. But no, she helps to make futures.

6. How a spoon can curve in Oracle's house?; Brother, everyone is there in the Matrix? Here's nothing you or my wish, right? Then why the spoon was curved? Matrix is ​​the code of the world. The way code is given, we will look like that. So there is no code for the spoon in code. Then why would you be scared? It is not possible to change anything in the matrix. But yes, the matrix is ​​connected to your mind. Your Mind Responds to Your Illusion. So what do you understand? The spoon is not curve, you see that the spoon is curved. I mean you are saying your mind to see the spoon in curve. So you can see a curve spoon. But the spoon is just as it was. What a concept!!!!! 😂😂

7. Oracle is always right? : NEO asked Morphias at the elevator, Oracle is always right? Then Morifias said, What does your mind say? Basically it means that the Oracle will show the path. You  will continue to be yourself.  Because in the matrix you is for your own.

8. Who is Agent Smith? : Matrix is ​​a computer program. Suppose that program is a windows operating system. Then you may have the Anti Virus for protection on your windows. The people in the Matrix, like NEO, Morphius and Trinity, try to go out of the Matrix and take others out of the matrix. It's outside the of Matrix Rules. So anti-virus has been placed in the Matrix program like  agent, they are also a computer program that protects the matrix. In spite of being a program, they have intelligence among themselves.

9. How do they get out of the matrix by telephone? : Suppose you are in the world. The only way to connect with the other world is to network. But the network must be like which is connected to the real world and also the matrix. And that's the telephone. Because, while speaking on the telephone, people's words are saved as data and deliver to another. Since the data is being saved from the telephone, so the data center have a telephone connection right? And the data center will be in the  Real World. is not it? Since the telephone connection is in the real world. So through this, the command from the real world can actually deliver any matrix data ( anything / person) and transfer.

10. How did Smith make many duplicate in the finish? : Smith, but like Neo, has developed 5 times as a result of this matrix program. His intelligence has been developed and developed. Any program that you can compare with the virus. If a virus becomes very powerful, it can cause various disruptions to your system. His power increased. The virus spreads in different places. Smith thus increased his power.

11. How was Smith destroyed? : Smith is an advanced program. Smith has gone out of the Matrix rules. So Matrix could not control him. He has become so powerful that he was not being deleted from the system. How can it be deleted? Those who know better about programmers or computers, they also know that if we can not delete a file easily, we can delete it from the root of the server. NEO runs a trick. Neo went to the Robot City and told the architect Smith could kill him. Instead of it, architect freed everyone from matrix. Connecting to NEO to Matrix's main computer and entering the Matrix world. Remember,Main computer = Root. Since Smith is not willing to connect with the system, so Neo plays trick. Smith gave the form him to Neo at the end of the movie. Since NEO is connected with root, Smith also connected with system root. Right? Now, Smith has been removed from the system root. All the copies they have been created are deleted from matrix programs. Hope you understand?

12. NEO has died at the end? : Nope. There is a hint to understand it. After Neo lost his eyes, Neo started look at conscious mind. And he looks like a temperature. Just like night camera shows  temperature looks like yellow yellow. When Smith was removed, then few robots took him, the yellow yellow like temperature shows a scene in which there is a clear evidence that Neo is currently unconscious or sick, but survives. Finishing was Open Ended. So you can think like yours. But the argument I gave, I hope this is the right one. Neo was alive.

13. Who is the architect? : At first it seems that the architect is the maker or a God of matrix. But the main thing is that the architecture itself is a program. 😂😂 😂😂
 At the end of the Oracle asked Architect, "Do you really want to free everyone? In exchange, the architect says: "Why do you think human i am?" That means he will not ridicule people. He himself is a program. The main robots made him and had designed this architect as a God. And he composed the 6th matrix 👌

Graphics, action, VFX everything was amazing. In one word, Matrix is one piece in Hollywood. There was no competitors of this movie.

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Those who do not have time to read this big explanation of movie, they post by saying "do not understand movie, brother". Actually you have to read various movie exploration. After reading, it is known about various topics.

Thank you, if you read this explanation! If you have any thing to say comment me in the comment box.
