Some delicious dinner recipes

With all busy schedule when you enjoy a cricket match or football match your family member or friends, it's the perfect timing for share your meal with your loved ones.. As it is a homemade recipe, it'll be healthy and delicious of course..
Here I'll give some recipe which may make your dinner different and enjoyable from other days..


Dolmades are renowned for being moulded and reshaped. In Greece, they are eaten in two ways- with or without an egg lemon sauce. This particular kind is ideal for a dinner as it doesn't apply as finger food. Make with minced meat and make a broth otherwise, to add to the avgolemono, which you add slowly on the fire..


                    250g minced beef
                    1 cup rice (try to use small grain rice)
                    200g large cabbage or spinach leaves, for rolling
                    2 cups diced tomatoes
                    2 tbsp. (table-spoon) diced dried plums
                    1 cup chopped parsley and mint (or coriander and  mint)
                    1.5 cups diced onions, 1/4 cup diced garlic
                    1 tbsp. cumin powder, chilli powder and
                    pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon
                    Salt and pepper to taste

For the avgolemono sauce--
                                             4 eggs
                                             1/2 cup juice
                                             A pinch of salt
                                             1 cup of beef stock (boil some beef with some 
                                              celery, salt, garlic and carrots then preserve the broth)

             After soaking the rice for about 20 minutes mix it with meat, olive oil, parsley, garlic, onions, tomatoes, plums and the spices. Blanch the large cabbage leaves in boiling water for about 1 minute each. Chop off the mid vein so it will be easier to wrap the leaf up. Similarly, for spinach it'll take 30 seconds for each  leaf. Place these out in a large dish. Take one leaf and spoon in the rice-meat mix and start wrapping from the bottom part then reach the top. It should be wrapped like a packet and make sure the wrap is tight so it doesn't open in the pot. Make sure you add some moisture of the mix into the leaf as this helps cook the rice. Place the wrapped leaves in a steamer and cook for about 20-25 minutes.
Meanwhile to prepare the egg-lemon sauce, whisk the eggs, lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a bowl, then after about one minute, slowly add the hot broth but don't make it too watery. It needs to remain thick like hollandaise or watery cream. The sauce is done when the whisk begins to leave a trail.
Serve the dolmades with a drizzle of the egg lemon sauce over it and preferably hot. Keep everything hot as the sauce is the best savoured when still hot.

                                               2. TWO TO TANGO  

Chicken with green and ripe mango. Considered as the king of the fruits, mangoes lend that extra bit of glamour to the food and lend a depth of flavor.

              1 kg chicken fillets
              1/4 cup green mango paste
              1/2 tbsp. garlic paste
              1/2 tbsp. mustered seed paste
              2 fresh red chillies, thinly sliced
              1/2 cup olive oil
              Salt and pepper to taste
              Banana leaves for wrapping

For the salad---
               200g black eyed beans or you can use any beans you have i.e. kidney beans
               250g lettuce or cabbage, cut in bite size
               100g diced onions
               100g pomegranate seeds
               Handful of diced radish (the white or red ones)
               2 large cucumbers, diced
               100g jamun or black plum (de-seeded)
               Salt and pepper to taste
               1 large ripe mango, diced


     Wash the chicken fillets then marinate them in all the ingredients including most of the oil and leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Wrap these up and make sure that some of the juices from the marinade go into each leaf wrap so it help the chicken to cook better. Pre-heat an oven at 180 degree celsius and bring it down to 150 degree Celsius and stick in the chicken. This will take about 20 minutes to cook as you turn sides. You can also alternately grill the chicken on a grill but the wrapped effect leaves it more succulent.
    Meanwhile, boil the black eyed beans (after soaking in water for about 4-5 hrs) with some garlic and salt, rest of the olive oil and dice all the vegetables and mix with the beans. Fix the salt and pepper and check the mango for sweetness. you may add more lime to make it a blend of sweet and sour.
   Serve the hot packets of wrapped chicken on a plate with the mango salad and let your guests open the packets to savour the freshness of the chicken balanced with the sweetness of the mango salad..

