Fourth steps of success


It should be the first steps to success.. Because it's like a human mental virus.. Without neglecting it you can't go forward.. The main anti-virus of depression is to keep yourself busy.. That's why a regular routine is essential to build up your career.. There are some elements which creates depression in human mind.. These are

  • The past memory
  • Relationship
  • Financial problem etc.    
Past memory don't give you good lesson that's not correct.. If you think about your past memory like broken relationship, it holds you down.. You have to have the strength in your mind to take risk and overcome any situation .. I know it's tough for one to overcome any situation but you have to try.. If you give up, you'll loose.. We are Homo Sapiens we have feelings, emotions  but we also have the ability to cope with anything.. God didn't make all of us equal.. Some of us may have financial or other problem.. One thing i just wanna say you is

                                 "Achieve your success, money will find you"..

If you don't find anything to do then read anything you wish.. Read novel.. You can read newspaper anything to gather knowledge.. One successful man says,

                                 "More you learn more you earn" 

Don't read successful  books it can't teach you.. Read those people's life story who're becoming hero from zero.. Because it'll teach you how to survive.. So keep your depression far from you and follow a regular routine and keep busy with it..

see all posts on success.
