First step to success

Dream Big

 "Dream is not which you see in sleep is the thing which doesn't let you sleep"-APJ Abdul Kalam Azad..

Yeah i say about dream.. Dream means your goal which is the first step to be success... You don't
know "what to do", or "where you have to go? ". Then how far you can go without destination??
You're just running and running about 2-3 years or your whole life but no result in physics there is no displacement..Life is not about the movie Forrest Gump.. I didn't mean Forrest Gump is a bad guy i just meant by running you can't be like him.

God has created the universe and give us to learn..But most often what we do is as much we learn, we become more depressed in one fail.. There is nothing to hopeless.. Luck always not with you as it does.. You read in a private university or public university it doesn't mean you're useless or you're precious.. All of you probably know dress doesn't make you big.. Being year dropped in university doesn't mean you're Steve Jobs or Bill Gates .. Nobody knows what is the capacity of mine or yours. Don't let anyone to change your dream..  

 If you read about top successful people life you'll know every of them have a dream to big and hard work to make dream happen.. You just dream big and sleep then what'll happen you know.. Skill is a thing which never comes by own it have to achieve by hard working and spends time on it..
 All you need is to have faith in yourself and have strong determination to make your dream come true.. Never loose hope be with your dream..

see all posts on success.
