Microwave Ovene may have some cooking . Ovene brings taste in the meat or fish as you wish.. Let's know some recipe with this ovene..

                                                   1.Prawn Mint Barbecue


 Shrimp Fish 1 cup
 Ginger paste coins tea spoon (tsp)
 Garlic paste coins tea spoon, sugar to taste
 lemon juice 1 table spoon
 white black pepper powder coins tea
 sour curd 1 table spoon, chaat spices coins tea spoon
 Garam masala coins tea spoon
 Coriander powder half tea spoon
 Zira powder semi tea spoon
 Mustard seed oil semi table cutlery
 Dhanepata, Pudinapata & raw chili paste 1 table spoon
 Musard seed paste coins tea-cutlery
 salt and oil to taste


 First shrimp abundance ginger paste, salt, sugar, lemon juice, garlic paste, peppers, sour curd, chaat spices, garam masala powder, coriander powder, ziragunra, mustard oil, dhanepata-pudinapata-Raw chilli paste and mustard seed paste perfume with Marinett.
Kathite the Marinett shrimp with ovenner baking tray oil brush for 180 digree about 15-20 minutes.. Sometimes you have to reverses this.. After this you can serve hot delicious prawn barbecue..

                                             2. PRAWN MINT BARBECUE


 Shrimp Fish 1 cup
 Ginger paste coins tea spoon
 Garlic paste coins tea spoon
 Sugar  to taste
 Lemon juice 1 table spoon,
White black pepper powder coins tea
Sour curd 1 table spoon, chaat spices coins tea, hot maslagunda coins tea, 
Coriander powder half tea spoon, ziragunra semi tea,, mustard Oil semi table cutlery, Dhanepata, Pudinapata & raw chili paste 1 table spoon
Mustard seed paste coins tea-cutlery,
 Salt and oil as to taste


First shrimp abundance giger paste, salt, sugar, lemon juice, garlic paste,
peppers, sour curd, chaat spices, garam masla powder, coriander powder powder, ziragunra, mustard oil, coriander leaves, Raw chilli paste and mustard seed paste perfume with marinett.. Kathite the marinett shrimp with ovenner baking tray oil brush for 180 digriee about 15-20 minutes. Sometimes you have to give reverses the shrimp to cook well.. 



 1 piece of chicken breast
 Onion paste 1 table spoon
 Black pepper powder semi-teaspoon
 smoked paprika half tsp (teaspoon)
 Chilli powder semi tea spoon
 Mustard seed paste 1 tsp teaspoon
 REd chillies powder half tsp
 chilli flex semi tea
 ginger half tsp
 Garlic paste half tsp
 Dried Herbes Semi tea spoon
 Chile sauce 1 tsp (teaspoon) 
BBQ sauce with 1 tsp of sugar
 caramelised half tsp, lemon juice 1 tsp (teaspoon) 
Oil and salt to taste..

For sauce


sauce-soy sauce with 1 tsp of tea
 Garlic pieces semi-teaspoon
 Brown sugar semi-teaspoon
 Honey semi tea and oil 1 tsp.


 First the meat of the breast with the rest of the ingredients except oil, onion pieces and raw pepper. Now take the onion pieces and the raw pepper filling, and get stuck with the Toothpik. If prevented, bake for 220 degrees Centigrade about 30-35 minutes. After cooking one side, it would have to be overturned. If two sides become brown color, serve responsibly.
To make the sauce, garlic pieces fry with the hot oil  with the soya sauce, brown sugar and honey.
 Chicken not spread on tandurir..

4. Lemon Fish


Vetkie Fish file Small piece 1 cup
 black pepper powder 1 teaspoon
 Chilli powder semi-teaspoon
 Mustard seed paste semi tea
 Ginger half tsp
 Garlic paste coins tea spoon
 Lemon juice 1 table spoon
 Lemon peels graven 1 teaspoon chilli sauce
 Oil and Salt to taste to be chopped in a teaspoon of tea.


 First perfume marinett with everything except abundance oil. Ovenner the baking tray oil brush for 180 degrees celcius about 10-15 minutes. Once the fish has been overturned.. And you're ready to go..
