How To Become A Software Developer At Home

How To Become A Software Developer At Home

How To Become A Software Developer At Home

  A lot of people or students are thinking to be a software developer but become depressed as they think they don't have the computer science degree in background. If you're a Economic's student or Geography's student or others, that's not a big deal. The main fact is can you be a software developer?? 

And the answer is, absolutely. It's always not necessary to belong a computer science degree to be a successful software developer. Yeah, it's right, if you're a computer science student, it's easy for you to be a software developer. Actually, there are some programming which are the main base of you to be a successful developer. 

Let's know what are those programming:
  • Java/Python
  • PHP
  • Html
  • Java script
As i say, these programming are the basics. Yeah, it's right. You can make websites, design websites, apps, gaming software by those programming. It's tough for you if you're not a computer science student but main point is you've to work hard. It's not possible to learn all of these programming in a same time but if you spend at least 6 hours per day to learn them one after another, you'll capture them strongly. After 1 or 2 years you'll become a successful software developer and you'll get a huge job opportunities in front of you. It generally take 1 or 2 years but totally depends on your effort. We all know same thing a hard working man can do in a second but a lazy or hopeless man can't even start in a year.

If you determined yourself to be a software developer then my suggestion is-
      " Don't get depressed just keep faith in yourself and go ahead".
see my post about success

 If you like this content let me know in the comment box and also comment your thinking about this. 

See you next, till then be healthy and happy. Thank you.
